
Publications and working paper

  • Mingzhe Dai, Bin Zhou, Yuanfeng Hu, Hongbo Zheng (2021). Climate and landscape change favouring early rice agriculture and appreciable human impact: Evidence from sediment δ13C in eastern China. Quaternary International [link] [request manuscript]

  • Mingzhe Dai, Bin Zhou. (2021) The advancement of charcoal reflectance and its applications in archeology and environmental research (in Chinese with English abstract). The 24th Forum of Sciences & Arts of Nanjing University [PDF]

  • YuanFeng Hu, Bin Zhou, Yuehan Lu, Jianping Zhang, Siyu Min, Mingzhe Dai (2019). Abundance and morphology of charcoal in sediments provide no evidence of massive slash-and-burn agriculture during the Neolithic Kuahuqiao culture, China. PLOSONE [link]